Why I'm doing teacher training with limited flexibility

This week I leave London to do Yoga teacher training. I’m excited, but also very apprehensive.
I know it the right thing for me to do, but my my evil destructive alter ego (inner Iago) is sitting on my shoulder and whispering doubts into my ears.
The list of challenges sometimes feels endless:
  • A long history of back pain
  • Torn meniscus (both knees)
  • Stiff joints
  • I often loose control of my breathing (even after 15 years of practice)
  • An unquiet mind. I’m I have undiagnosed ADHD…in any case I’m still reeling off lists, and composing emails mid yoga practice

Of course these are all good reasons to do the teacher training:
  • My injuries should give me empathy and insight
  • My stiff joints could be the result of poor postures and poses, and what would my joints be like without my yoga practice anyway?
  • Breathing: well I might find it hard to put it into practice in the city, but surely getting this right is a huge opportunities.
  • And the same goes for my unquiet mind, this is going to be a battle, and I going to be brutally honest to myself about what’s happening.

Note to self: watch this pace