The Power of the Big Toe

In a recent class one of my favourite teachers (Simi Ripper) put the big toe centre stage in her dialogue.
It may sound like something very small and specific, but for me it felt like an earth shattering revelation.
For example Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee pose was very interesting today. This is one of my nemesis postures. But instead of worrying about all the hard stuff, I focused on leading the pose with a grounded big toe. This was great for me because normally my knees complain or my cartilage crunches. Today this didn't happen because my knees felt like they were tracking naturally in line with the rest of my body. Normally my knees flare out slightly.
I also focused on grounding my big toe in Triangle and Tree pose.
Generally in most of the standing poses, leading with my big toe produced a lovely stretch in my ITB band and the outside of my thigh.
It’s made me think long and hard about my feet and how I stand. This feels like the beginning of something new!