Should I try new forms of yoga?

My experience over the last 15 years is largely with Ashtanga and Bikram, where the Primary series or the Beginners series usually follow the same sequence of postures.
Of course everyday is different. My body is different each day, every teacher brings a unique perspective. Indeed for me, with both Ashtanga and Bikram, the first few years offered more than enough variety and room for progression. Bikram has helped me greatly over last 8 years but during the last 2 years I feel I’ve plateaued.
Recently I was holiday and there was no hot Bikram studio available, so I tried out Yin and Vini yoga. Both were amazingly refreshing, I felt I was opening my body in new and fresh ways. So now back in cold London I'm wondering whether a break from Bikram and experimenting with new forms of Yoga should be on my New Year to do list ? I’ll report back on my experiences, so watch this space….